Skylights provide effective room lighting during the day and unique views during the night.
Skylights that were not installed properly tend to leak. Also if there has been a re-roofing job done around a skylight, it can cause problems for the skylight area, especially if proper care was not taken.
Our team of skylight repair, installation and removal experts is eager to complete all tasks both large and small. Our skilled tradesmen use only the finest quality materials in order to ensure that the skylight project is built to last.
Whether you have a leaking skylight or are in need of a skylight install or removal, do not hesitate to contact us for a free job evaluation and no obligation estimate. We are fully committed to professionalism and never substitute or compromise on the quality of our work or material.
Many homeowners believe that skylight repairs can be easily done. This is true, but unfortunately some types of skylight repair patch jobs are only a short-term repair solution. When dealing with installing a residential skylight, it is a good idea to not just repair the skylights, but to replace and install a new skylight with a more energy efficient model.
Find out how our repair solutions can keep you covered and protect your home. Call 647-292-9230 to book your skylight repair or replacement.